
This proposal seeks Council authorization to amend the By-Laws so that Council may schedule, but not necessarily “effectuate,” a public replacement election within the default two (2) year term.

Background and Motivation

Certain Council members’ default two (2) year term is approaching an end. With recent foundational, protocol-related proposals being in active discussions and the need for more discussion on the proper method for an election, the Council suspects that it may not be able to complete a full public election within the two year period (terms expiring on August 17, 2023). In order to ensure that formal compliance with the By-Laws, the Council desires to amend the By-Laws to limit its requirement to “scheduling,” but not necessarily effectuating an election. This effect of this proposal is limited in that the election period shall not be greater than six (6) months to ensure that the incumbent Council members are not effectively extending their term without any intent to open up Council positions to the public.

Proposed Resolution

The passage of this proposal shall act as an authorization to the RareDAO Foundation Director to effectuate an Amendment to the Council By-Laws that accomplishes the following:

  1. Requires council to schedule a public election for replacement council members prior to the end of the two (2) term
  2. Eliminates the Council requirement to “effectuate” the public election prior to the end of the two (2) term
  3. Requires council to effectuate a public election for replacement council members no later than six (6) months after the end of the two (2) term
  4. Clarifies that formal terms expire upon actual change in the ownership and control of the DAO multi-sig, notwithstanding the time frames above

Approval Required


Relevant Authority

  1. Section 20: Amendments: “These By-Laws may be amended through the SIP process or upon unanimous approval of the Council. Amendments made by the Council through unanimous decision must be publicly noticed to the DAO Community.”
  2. Section 15. Council Member Term: “Each individual Council member’s term shall last no more than two (2) calendar years (“Term”). The Council must schedule and effectuate a public Community election for replacement Council members to be completed before the expiration of any given Council members’ two year Term. There is no limit on the number of Terms an individual Council member may serve. The procedure and method for the public Council election or appointment of additional Council members to newly created Council seats shall be decided by majority Council decision for each election, unless otherwise provided for by a Community-approved SIP. By unanimous decision, the remaining Council may appoint a new Council member to a vacant Council seat by reason of the former Council member resigning or being removed from the Council.”